Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tooth Replacement Options

One of the biggest dilemmas facing many of our patients is what to do about my missing teeth.  As a dentist, the answer is not always consistent or obvious.  There are four basic choices and none of the choices are right or wrong in every instance.  It depends on the size of the space, your age, where it is in your mouth and how important the tooth is to your overall dental health.  Moving between the choices from the least to the most expensive treatment, which translates to the easiest to the hardiest (remember the dentist is like the plumbers “time is money” thus the harder the job the more time it takes).  We will start with the first treatment and that is “oh well I lost my tooth.”  Obviously wisdom teeth or severely crowded areas of your mouth often fall into this category and no treatment is necessary.   Number 2 is a removable appliance of some nature.  That can be anything from a simple tooth attached to a temporary retainer, to a chrome removable partial denture with many teeth attached.  If there are large spaces, this is often the best choice as you pay by the appliance, and not by the tooth.  So if there are a lot of missing teeth on the appliance, it isn’t more expensive.  The downside to all removable appliances is function.  It is something in your mouth that may be a little foreign to you.  The 3rd choice is fixed bridgework in which “caps” are placed on either side of the space and a “bridge” fills in the gap.  Unlike the removable appliances you pay by the tooth and it requires modification of your teeth for it to function.  Thus there are Novocain shots and all the other issues typically associated with dental procedures.  The last options are dental implants which are artificial roots that are placed in your jaw and a cap are attached to the implant.  This has the advantage of not relying on other teeth for support, but once again you pay by the tooth.  Although we restore several teeth each week this way, a surgeon has to place the implants.  As we all know specialists are not known for being inexpensive, therefore the cost can exceed $3500.00 per tooth by the time you are all done.  Thus this process often times is above our patient’s insurance coverage limits.  Once again, all of these are just choices and there is no consistently right or wrong answer to those choices as it is based on individual needs and desires.  But in general the more expensive the process, the more it looks and functions like your natural teeth.  That being said, implants are by far the most durable and functional therefore often times are lifetime restorations and therefore are best choice if you can afford them.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Cost of Votes

I am sure most of  you reside, like I do, in the 7th congressional district of California and I am sure, like myself, you grew very tired of all the Ami Bera/Doug Ose ads that were on television.  Just in case you were wondering, $22 million dollars were spent on those ads.  For the number of votes that were actually counted in that election that works out to $220.00 per vote.  Obviously, a very distressing figure.  However, it is politics as we know it today and in fact nationwide if you add up all of the local statewide and national elections the total comes to slightly over one billion dollars spent in advertising for the elections on November 4th, 2014.  That certainly seems like a very large figure, but what does that have to do with my dental blog one might ask.  Well, it has to do with what occurred the Friday before the 4th, that would be October 31, 2014, which was Halloween.  Would anyone care to venture a guess at how much was spent on candy in the United States for Halloween this year?  I am not talking about the alcohol for parties, or for costumes, or for transportation, or little bags and other trinkets that are given away, but just the candy given to children.  Well it works out to $2.2 billion dollars.  That is over twice as much as was spent on the political campaigns.  Now one could certainly make an argument that the future of the country is more important than candy, and as a dentist I would probably agree with that.  But these figures are certainly open for interpretation and I leave it to you, my blog readers, to make your own determinations as to which one or both of these figures are in excess of what is reasonable.  I would be interested if anyone has any comments to make.