Friday, May 13, 2016

Let's Face It, Being a Dentist Isn't Easy

Make no mistake about it, I love my job.  I have been doing it for over 40 years and hopefully anyone who has done a job for 40 years really loves it.  However, let's face it, being a dentist is not easy.  You are not just running a small dental practice, you are running a small business which is also your families' livelihood.  You are running a small business that requires you to stay-up on all the latest procedures and techniques, hire and fire staff who are an extension of you and your business, all in the effort to improve the lives of your patients even though they don't really want to be in your chair.  It is a tough gig that is demanding and can be draining.  Between the government and its companies, I spend about 40% of my time making them happy.  I came out of dental school wanting to help people have a better smile and better oral health, yet we battle every day with patients that don't want to come in and some days it seems like I care more than they do.  In addition, as with every small business we have staff who don't exactly get along and patients that think I act too much like Steve Martin in "Little Shop of Horrors."  It is an interesting profession in which I have to hear several times a day "it is not you doc, its just that I hate dentists."  Fortunately, I really love my work and I look forward to it everyday, coming in and dealing with all the nuances of a modern dental practice and I plan on doing it for years to come.

See you at my my next blog.

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